25JanPMBlood From a Turnip: Satisfaction for the Soul in Life Under the SunEcclesiastes 5:8-17Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
1FebPMWhoever Dies with the Most Toys Does Not Necessarily Win!Ecclesiastes 5:10-6:2Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
22FebPMLife: A Bummer or a Blessing According if God is in the Picture or NotEcclesiastes 6:3-12Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
1MarPMThe Earthly and Eternal Advantage of a Serious LifeEcclesiastes 7:1-14Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
12AprPMThe Cross and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: The Fulfillment of the Old Testament Prophecies!Luke 24:1-9; 13-48Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
7JunPMIt Pays to Fear the Lord, but the Final Payment Isn't Until Heaven!Ecclesiastes 8:14-9:1Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
21JunPMLiving Our Earthly Lives in the Light of Eternity!Ecclesiastes 9:7-18Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
4JulPMGod's Law - The Foundation Of True LibertyRomans 13:1-7; I Peter 2:13-17Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
5JulPMThe Doctrine of the Holy Trinity Revealed in the Salvation of SinnersMatthew 28:19-20; 2 Corinthians 13:14Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
23AugPMTrouble in the Church and For the Gospel Preacher: Causes and CuresActs 21:15-25Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
30AugPMTrouble in the Church for the Gospel Minister: Doctrines and Lessons for TodayActs 21:15-25Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
29NovPMIs the Gospel Insanity or the Most Consistent Sanity? (Conclusion)Acts 26:12-32Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
13DecPMTwo Distinct Natures and One Undivided Person!Matthew 1:18-25; Romans 1:1-4Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen