1JanPMWhen the LORD Restored the Captives: Living and Praying Between the TimesPsalm 126Rev. Nathan TomlinsonListen
8JanPMSermon on the Mount: Midway Review and PreviewMatthew 5:1-3,48, 7:24-29Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
15JanPMThe Christian and Personal Piety: The Importance of 'How' and 'Why' (Part 1)Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
5FebPMThe Main Things are the Plain Things; The Plain Things are the Main ThingsGenesis 1:1-5Mr. Greg RossListen
12FebPMThe Christian and Personal Piety: The Importance of 'How' and 'Why' (Part 2)Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
4MarPMOur Duty to Faith, Hope and Love In Light of Christ's Redemptive WorkHebrews 10:19-25Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
11MarPMFaith, Hope and Love: Our Duty as Those Saved By the Grace of Jesus ChristHebrews 10:19-25Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
6MayPMSeek First the Kingdom and Then You Don't Need to Worry!Matthew 6:31-34Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
13MayPMGrowing by the Power of Intercessory PrayerPsalm 110; Ephesians 1:15-22Rev. Stephen MichaudListen
20MayPMAbram and Sarai and an Inconvenient TruthMatthew 19:16-30; Genesis 12:10-20Rev. David HolmlundListen
10JunPMPaul's Divinely Given Task and The Purpose of The AgesEphesians 3:1-14Mr. Geoffrey GrissomListen
17JunPMRooted, grounded, Strengthened, and Filled Up in ChristEphesians 3:14-19Mr. Geoffrey GrissomListen
1JulPMThe Day of the LORD: A Day of Wrath and ExpectationI Thessalonians 5:1-10; Zephaniah 1:14-18Mr. Geoffrey GrissomListen
26AugPMDivine Discipline of Christians: Painful, but Necessary and EdifyingHebrews 12:4-17Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
2SepPMDivine Discipline of Christians: Painful, but Necessary and Edifying (Part 2)Hebrews 12:4-17Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
23SepPMCorrecting Common Misconceptions Regarding True ReligionMatthew 9:9-17Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
18NovPMSinai and the Gospel: Forever the Twain Shall MeetGalatians 3:6-9, 13-18, 26-29Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
2DecPMZion, Jerusalem, Israel, etc., Fulfilled in the ChurchRevelation 1:4-6Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
9DecPMComfort for God's People Because God's Glory is Revealed! (Part 1)Isaiah 40:1-5Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
9DecPMSabbatical Works of Necessity and Mercy: A Manifestation of Christ's Love for Weak and Needy SinnersMatthew 12:1-21Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
16DecPMComfort for God's People Because God's Glory is Revealed! (Part 2)Isaiah 40:6-8Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen
23DecPMThe Comfort of Christmas: God in Person and Close Up!Isaiah 40:1-2, 9-11Dr. Allen TomlinsonListen